DDL of views can be obtained from information_schema.views. Below is the sql to get the view definition where schemaname is
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How to list all views in a Redshift database
Run the below query to list all the non-system views in a Redshift database. select table_schema, table_name from information_schema.views where
Continue readingHow to add multiple columns to a table in Redshift
Below is the syntax to add a new column to an existing table in Redshift. alter table schemaname.tablename add columnname
Continue readingHow to view the sql history(recent queries) of a user in Redshift
Use the below sql statement to view the recent 100 queries run by a user ordered by the most recent
Continue readingHow to resolve ‘ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN cannot run inside a transaction block’ in Redshift
You might encounter the below error while trying to modify a column in Redshift database from SQL Workbench. [Amazon](500310) Invalid
Continue readingHow to change the distribution style of a table in Redshift database
You can modify the distribution style of a table using below sql command: alter table tablename alter diststyle AUTO|ALL|EVEN|KEY DISTKEY
Continue readingHow to determine the distribution style of a table in Redshift database
You can query the SVV_TABLE_INFO view to determine the distribution style of a table. select “database”, “schema”, “table”, “diststyle” from
Continue readingHow to query only the top 10 rows in Redshift
Use the Top function to query only the top 10 rows. Syntax is as below: Select top 10 * from
Continue readingHow to deactivate the MFA device of an IAM user
Run the below command to deactivate the MFA device defined for an IAM user where username is the name of
Continue readingHow to get information about an IAM role
Use the below command to view all the information of an IAM role where ROLENAME is the name of the
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