How to install and configure AWS CLI on Windows and Linux machines

AWS CLI (Amazon Web Services Command Line Interface) is a tool provided by AWS to manage all the AWS services using commands.


To install AWS CLI on windows, download the appropriate version of installer from here for your windows machine configuration.

Run the installer and follow the on screen instructions to complete the installation.

You need to accept the license agreement to be able to proceed with installation.

Once the installation is completed, open the command prompt and verify the installation by issuing aws –version command.

You may optionally configure user credentials by issuing command aws configure. You will be prompted to enter the Access Key ID and Secret Access Key. If you do not have(or lost) your security credentials, you can generate new credentials and download them from the IAM console. Also enter values for the default region(eg: us-east-1) and default output format(eg:text).


To download AWS CLI for linux, you need to first install pip. Download the pip installation script using command curl -O and install pip with python using command
python --user

Install AWS CLI using command pip install awscli –user

Verify AWS CLI installation by checking the version using aws –version command.

You can optionally add security credentials using aws configure command as shown above for windows or attach an IAM role to the EC2 Instance.