How to list Materialized views, enable auto refresh, check if stale in Redshift database

Run the below query to lit all the materialized views in a schema in Redshift database.

select name from STV_MV_INFO where schema='schemaname' ;

You can also query STV_MV_INFO to find out if a particular MV is stale using below sql statement. Value is ‘t’ if the data in MV is stale and ‘f’ if the data is upto date.

select name, is_stale from STV_MV_INFO where schema='schemaname' ;

You can alter a materialized view to refresh automatically as below where mv_name is the name of the materialized view.

alter materialized view mv_name auto refresh YES;

You can also disable auto refresh of a materialized view as below:

alter materialized view mv_name auto refresh NO;

See also  How to determine the version of Redshift database