How to resize EBS volume

Login to AWS Management Console and choose Volumes on the EC2 Dashboard. Right click on the volume that you would like to resize and choose Modify Volume. The current size of the volume that I’m trying to resize is 12 GB.

In the Modify Volume window, Select the Volume Type that you would like to change to. Note that I’m not changing the volume type here. Enter the size in GB for the new size. As you can see in the below image, A volume can only be increased. I could not change it to 10GB from 12GB.

Provide a value higher than the existing size and choose Modify. I have modified the volume from 12GB to 13GB.

In the confirmation window, choose Yes to resize the volume.

Now ssh into the EC2 instance and run the command lsblk. You will notice that the volume size has been updated. Also run the command df -h and you will notice that the file system has not been extended.

Extend file system using the command xfs_growfs for non partitioned volumes. After running the above command, the output of df -h will also reflect the new size and the additional space is available for use.

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