How to launch an EC2 Instance

Amazon EC2(Elastic compute cloud) service provides re-sizable compute capacity in the cloud while reducing the amount of time required to obtain and boot a new server.

Login to the AWS Management Console and choose EC2 service on the services page listed under the Compute section.

Select Instances on the left hand navigation pane to view all the EC2 instances in your account. Choose Launch Instance to procure a new EC2 instance.

Select the AMI that you’d like to launch from the Quick Start list. An AMI is a server template that includes an operating system and any additional software. I chose Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.6(HVM), SSD Volume Type AMI that is eligible for free tier. You can also choose your own AMI from My AMIs or find one on AWS Marketplace.

Select an Instance type for your instance depending on the resource requirements and choose Next: Configure Instance Details. I chose t2.micro, as it is free tier eligible, for demo purpose.

Type in the Number of Instances you would like to launch.

For the Network, choose the VPC that you’d like to launch the EC2 instance in or create a new VPC.

Choose the subnet of your liking for the EC2 instance, if you have a preference, depending on the architecture or you can leave it as No Preference and let AWS choose it for you.

Choose Next:Add Storage

A root volume of 10GB is added to the instance by default. To add more storage volumes, choose Add New Volume and specify the size in GB and Volume Type. You can add as many volumes as you like for the EC2 instance. Choose Next: Add Tags

Tags allow you to organize, filter and manage EC2 instances. Choose Add Tag and type in ‘Name’ under the Key column and a suitable name for your EC2 Instance under the Value column. You can add more tags by choosing Add another tag. Choose Configure Security Group

Security groups allow you to filter traffic based on the rules defined. You can either create a new security group or choose an existing security group. I chose to create a new security group and named it as test-sg. I want to be able to SSH into the EC2 instance from my laptop. Hence I chose My IP for the source. After adding all the security group rules, choose Review and Launch.

Review all the details and edit as required. Choose Launch after you

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You need a key pair to SSH into the EC2 instance. If you already have a existing key pair that you have access to, choose it from the drop down list. Else, create a new key pair by providing a name and Download the key pair. Choose Launch Instance.

You will see the message as below saying the instances are being launched. Click on the instance_id to check the status of your instance.

Once the instance state changes to running, you can SSH into your instance using the downloaded key pair.

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