PostgreSQL – Aggregate Functions

Aggregate functions are functions that are computed over a set of rows to return an output. Average, Max, Min, Sum and Count are the aggregate functions.


Consider an employee table with 5 employees and their salaries as shown below:

table_name : employee

Query to return employee count:

SELECT count(employee_name) FROM employee;

Query to determine the average salary of all employees:

SELECT avg(salary) FROM employee;

Query to determine the maximum of salaries:

SELECT max(salary) FROM employee;

Query to determine the minimum of salaries:

SELECT min(salary) FROM employee;

Query to determine the sum of salaries of all employees:

SELECT sum(salary) FROM employee;

Query to identify the employee with highest salary:

SELECT employee_name FROM employee WHERE salary=(SELECT max(salary) FROM employee);

Query to identify all employees who are making less than the average salary:

SELECT employee_name FROM employee WHERE salary < (SELECT avg(salary) FROM employee);

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